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just shooting questions to the universe and hoping that when the right time comes I will receive some answers, or if not, I will be given something to enrich my life.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

What God gives me

God does not exempt me from the difficulties of life.
God gives me awe, inspiring me to sing in the midst of the storm.

I heard a very good commentary on Mother Mary's Magnificat.
The Magnificat is Mother Mary's song of praise and gratitude for God's love and fidelity to His people, and to her, personally. She proclaimed it upon seeing her cousin Elizabeth. This event was preceded by the Annunciation when the Angel Gabriel gave her the news that she was chosen by the Almighty to be the mother of Jesus.
Thinking of Mary's unique privilege as Mother of the Son of God, one would normally suppose that with this privilege would come the benefits, like having an easier life, being wanting of nothing. After all, we're talking here of nothing less than being the Mother of the Son of God.
But from the very few Scripture references that speak of Mary, we can safely say that Mary of Nazareth certainly did not have an easy life. She wasn't exempted from life's sufferings, big or small. Her unique and very personal relationship with God did not make her rich (in terms of material riches), nor solve all her problems.
So it is with us. Our relationship with God does not give us a passport to fame and fortune. Rather, what God grants us is awe, stupor, that enables us to sing.

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