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just shooting questions to the universe and hoping that when the right time comes I will receive some answers, or if not, I will be given something to enrich my life.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

More than a memory

The Eucharist is the Real Presence of Jesus. It is not a symbol; not a representation.
The Eucharist is truly Jesus who gives Himself as food for our journey. So that we won't feel alone.
Ronald Rolheiser speaks of the Eucharist as "God's embrace". Yes, when we partake of the Eucharist, Jesus becomes a part of us: God's embrace, assuring us that we are not alone.
The Eucharist is a very special gift. God knows that love is not a theory to be understood. Love is an experience that needs to touch our senses, human as we are. So Jesus allows Himself to come to us in the form of bread.
The Eucharist is a mystery we can never fully grasp. We can only bow our heads in humble gratitude.

Friday, May 27, 2016


To forgive is to close the door to violence.


We live in very frightening times. Everybody longs for and begs for peace. There are entire generations who have never known a time of peace. There are people who are forever haunted by violence, threat, and abuse. We are so helpless and so desperate we "buy" the first promise of "peace and order".
The thing is, all that the world offers is a promise of "fragile peace". It is fragile because most often it is bought by violence, by fear, by ignorance. That is not true peace.
The peace that God wants for His children is a "peace that surpasses all understanding". Perhaps that is why we don't buy it. We want peace that is translated as: order in the streets; well-being and prosperity; doing what I want without being accountable to anybody.
You see, our formula for peace is WRONG. It is so egocentric and without any reference to the common good, to what is best for others even if it means sacrifice on my part. The kind of peace that we like is violence-in-the-making. When we are at the center of the world, the world doesn't have any secure and constant point of reference. We see every day how we are prone to wanting one thing today and the exact opposite tomorrow. How then can we make ourselves the point of reference?
We live in very frightening times. But I am a Christian. My faith helps me to look at life with realism, hope and courage. Jesus Christ came to give us life, life to the full. This he did, not by making everything "perfect" according to our human schemes.
Jesus said and showed in  His life that the one who loses his life for the Kingdom (and all the values it represents) will find his life a hundredfold. This is what it means to have life to the full.
We may have a long life but it isn't a guarantee that we have found life's meaning.
The saints, yes, those considered fools by worldly standards, found the secret to life's meaning. It was the pearl of great price for which they have renounced everything.
That is why they are called BLESSED.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Praising God

It is fitting to praise God.
It is right and just to begin and end the day singing God's praises.
I awake because of God's goodness.
I owe to God both the breath that I take and the beating of my heart.
The desire to do good is an inspiration that God put in my heart. Praise God!
The benevolent gaze towards others, it is not my own doing, but God working in me. To God be praise.
God is my redeemer today and at all times.
The story of my life is a story of salvation.
Hail to my Savior and my God!