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just shooting questions to the universe and hoping that when the right time comes I will receive some answers, or if not, I will be given something to enrich my life.

Monday, May 19, 2014

A strategy in life

In a situation when you feel fragile and susceptible, don't test your limits, don't touch "the forbidden fruit".
But remember that you cannot spend your whole life shielding yourself from pain.
It is not cowardice to hide. It is a temporary strategy to make you stronger to face the real challenge when it comes.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

O heart, be still

O heart, be still in your God.
Persons, things, everything that is created is passing.
Why then do you give up grudgingly what, later on, you will have to give up?
Be happy when you cling to no one or to nothing,
because then both your hands can embrace Him, whose love alone endures.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Food for all and more

In the miraculous feeding of the multitude Jesus blesses, breaks and shares. He feeds everyone and still there is more.
Can't this be an invitation for us today so as to solve the various crises the world is faced with.
To bless, that is, to recognize once again the important and central part that God has in our lives.
To break, yes, to work our butts and redeem work not as an imposition but as an integral part of our human dignity.
To share and to recognize that it doesn't deprive us of anything when we do so, rather, sharing creates a network of care and communion that makes us worthy of being called human.