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just shooting questions to the universe and hoping that when the right time comes I will receive some answers, or if not, I will be given something to enrich my life.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Open hands

Give us this day our daily bread ...
Give me only what I need for today, Lord. It's very tempting to hoard - things, persons, experiences - thinking that I am "saving for the rainy day". But the more I accumulate securities, the more I am less secure. The more I store goods, the less I have the time and the spontaneity to truly enjoy them.
My heart and my desires are never fully satiated. I realize that as soon as I attain a goal, I am running after a new one. So my life is a never-ending race without a purpose.
May I have open hands to receive and to give, to accept and to let go, knowing that I have all that I need to be happy today. Whenever I close my hands to protect what I have, I also close my heart to adventure and spontaneity. I imprison myself in walls which I call security. Can I truly be secure inside a prison?
Give me open hands to receive the daily bread that I need. I will be happy today.
Tomorrow is not a problem. Tomorrow is my today in the future, and I know that I have no need to worry because in every today You are present.

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