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just shooting questions to the universe and hoping that when the right time comes I will receive some answers, or if not, I will be given something to enrich my life.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012

Friday, June 22, 2012

It is okay to be kind

It is not the nationality, social class or level of education that determine the manners and character of a person. I saw one interview that said that it is the fault of adults that children do not have values and manners anymore; basic manners like respect, honesty, integrity, hardwork, self-discipline, concern for others.
Many adults are childish and they are guided only by one criterion: their own pleasure.
I think this is one of the root causes of the malaise in today's society. We don't care for principles, promises, vows, word of honor. As soon as a problem starts we already want out. There is so little resistance to pain and suffering because we were not trained in a life of discipline. Very few dream and struggle for a better future because we have everything, or we have things that keep us entertained, making us forget the more important and lasting things in life. Many young people's dream is either to be a singer or actress or a professional athlete because these are the easiest ways to fame and fortune.
So why do we blame children for acting without manners? Do we, adults, act with manners? Whenever I read comments on the web with the unmentionable and obscene expressions, I cringe at how much degradation we have arrived at. Do we need to hurl an invective or to say a swear word just to show that we are "in", that we are smart?
We want the easy and comfortable life where we are king and queen of the world. Sacrifice? It is one of the most unpopular words. Why sacrifice when we can have everything that we have; or why sacrifice when others can have what they want?
We need to regenerate society not from treaties between nations. They are often beautifully worded but lack spirit and dynamicity.
As adults, let us reclaim our role of communicating to the younger generations that the world is beautiful, and we  are privileged to contribute to make it truly so.
Let us not renounce this responsibility just because we want to remain popular, or we are tired, or we want an easy life, or we simply don't care. How can children know what is true, good and beautiful when our lives as adults do not show it to them?
Children learn from what they see, not from what they hear.

Why not start by remembering that "It is okay to be kind"? Start an act of kindness and see that you will spread sunshine all around.
Warning: don't wait for the result as you may not see them very visibly. But be sure that somewhere the little pebble that you have thrown on the pond is having its ripple effect.

Monday, June 18, 2012


When our life isn't focused on vindicating our so-called rights, our eyes and our heart remain uncluttered and we are able to see that we are surrounded by so much kindness. Then we always find something to be grateful for.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Believing in true love

Today, as I celebrate and thank God for the wonderful gift of life, I look back and see my journey with its ups and downs. There have been unpleasant experiences, difficult episodes and long periods of doubt and darkness. When they happened I just wanted them to come to an end. I think nobody wants to suffer. Every person wants to cut short the difficult part. No one would want to stay for long in an uncertain period of waiting. But somehow, as I look back, I know that I have tried to face them. I did not escape them. I have paid them my due. And little by little the pain eased. It took time but finally, the dawn has come.
I can truly say with Saint Paul that "for those who love God everything works together unto good". What is paradoxical is, I really had to experience with my own flesh this truth in order to make it my own personal truth.
Why do we need to suffer? Why do we have to pass through the crucible of solitude, of defeat, of betrayal, of despair? Is there no other way to grow except through the way of the cross? Perhaps. But what I know is, all men and women have to pass through the narrow door, so that in the process of pruning and purification we may come to the truth that really matters: we are loved in a unique and personal way.
When we come to terms with our imperfections and shadows, we can either wallow in despair or choose to cling to Someone and believe that we are loved just as we are, no ifs nor buts.
I choose to believe in that Love.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Misplaced loyalty

Something big has happened in my country, the Philippines, recently. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court was impeached. I am watching some portions of the impeachment trial through YouTube postings.
I am quite perplexed by the comments of some people on the YouTube videos. One that has really caught my attention was this "I will never forget you CJ. If I can only do something to help you, to defend you. You have been a great help to me. Whoever I am today, I owe it to you a great deal because you have let me pass your course." (my translation)
It's very worrying because it betrays a misplaced loyalty, a wrong hierarchy of values. I mean, you are grateful forever to a person who has allowed you to pass his course? Is it an indirect admission that you were not worthy to pass, that it was a passing mark for something else rather than a good work done?
It is really worrying because how can a society function well if we have our values turned upside down? I mean, you want to let a person go scott free, without weighing the facts of his guilt or innocence, just because he gave you a favor? I mean, this is very, very disturbing.
I guess this is just a reflection of what happens in society in general. Misplaced loyalties blind us, making us unwilling to see the truth. And I believe that at the root of our misplaced loyalties is our self-centredness. The criterion is no longer the truth, but the utility of something or someone to my own good. In the end, my loyalty is really to myself.
We need a strong and stable centre. We need something or someone that goes beyond our self-interests. We need something or someone that goes beyond our vacillating self.
Lord, help us to see.