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just shooting questions to the universe and hoping that when the right time comes I will receive some answers, or if not, I will be given something to enrich my life.

Monday, August 16, 2010

In search of that first love

Jesus tells us that he is our way. We find the way when we follow him through the pages of Scripture. There we see how he was constantly communing and in relationship with the One who sent him into the world. When suffering was part of the way, Jesus chose not to ask "Why?" He chose not to blame those who hurt him. He stood in his agony, intimately connected with the One who loved him and also forgiving and caring for those who so cruelly tortured and killed him. This is the way, and by offering us this way, Jesus gives us new eyes to look into our experience of suffering and of life.
True homecoming is choosing the way of Jesus, where we acknowledge the good and painful in our lives and we ask for patience and courage to forgive all those who have wounded us on the journey. Their love was limited and conditional, but it set us in search of that unconditional, unlimited love. This way takes us on a path through the desert of suffering to our hidden wholeness and to our utter beauty in the eyes of the One we name God.
(Henri Nouwen)

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