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just shooting questions to the universe and hoping that when the right time comes I will receive some answers, or if not, I will be given something to enrich my life.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

It's all grace

Transformation or conversion begins, proceeds, is sustained and finds its fulfillment in God.
It doesn't start with having everything in my life totally in place.
It proceeds by letting grace, God's grace, fill my life and find a home in me.
It is sustained by the certainty that God loves me as I am, with still the many aspects of my life not in place.
Its fulfillment is not the self-assurance that "I made it". No, its fulfillment is being in the heart of God.
For, indeed, everything is grace.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Look for the extraordinary

Look for the extraordinary in the ordinary. This is what being childlike means. This is our gateway to heaven, for heaven is not an assembly of perfect people.
What is heaven like? I don't have any phrase to describe it perfectly. But come to think of it, even Jesus used images to explain heaven. After all, our thinking is very much limited and conditioned by what our senses can grasp.

Friday, January 10, 2020

We love God because God first loved us

This is not like the-chicken-and-the-egg thing. We do, can only love God because God loved us first, that is, unconditionally. There is nothing we can do that can diminish God's love for us and nothing we can do to increase it. What God gives us is His love that is uniquely for us.
When we correspond to God's love, His love doesn't increase, but we increase our capacity to receive it and to be filled by it.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The power of ONE

I like calendars where you can turn the page every month. There is something sort of a ritual as I turn one page to another and see the number one. It means a new beginning, a possibility to change, to get out of a rut. It is like God telling me "hey, enough with the self-pity and self-recrimination, see, I am making something new. I am renewing you".