About Me

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just shooting questions to the universe and hoping that when the right time comes I will receive some answers, or if not, I will be given something to enrich my life.

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Class is not a matter of wearing the right dress, of speaking a European language, of picking the right wine, of belonging to an exclusive club, of hobnobbing with the rich, the influential and the famous.
Class is a sparkle that comes from within that keeps one grounded. Class makes one comfortable with being pleasant with all and to all, not being blinded by fear or by any sense of superiority.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Tears heal.
They heal us of our false invincibility.
They heal us of our superficial calm.
They heal us of our pretenses.
They heal us of many illusions.
Tears clean us.
Tears clean our eyes.
Tears clean our bottled and pent up emotions.
Tears clean our hearts of rancor.
Tears cleanse our heart and soul.
Tears open us up to new beginnings.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Invisible to the eye

Life with God always calls us to transformation. We are always on a journey. We can never say that we "have arrived".
In this journey one thing that we commonly do is to make resolutions. We do it after our daily meditation, after a retreat, or after a deep experience. And this is not bad. But we shouldn't be content at this.
Jesus calls us to go deeper, to look at what we value the most, what it is that moves our thoughts, words and actions. Often this deeper motivation is hidden. It can even be sugar-coated or packaged in a way that we can no longer see it in its truth.
The spiritual journey is to see this truth - in its imperfection and its various contradictions. And this imperfection is okay. Jesus is merciful to the weak. It is the arrogance of the haughty that Jesus hates.