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just shooting questions to the universe and hoping that when the right time comes I will receive some answers, or if not, I will be given something to enrich my life.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Being a nun, I know how difficult it is to live with them. It is said that community life is our greatest penitence.
There is a good number of nuns who are perpetual grumblers. Nothing ever satisfies them. They find fault in everything, but are the most demanding when it comes to being understood and accepted as they are.
On closer reflection, I think nuns are not the only experts on this field. I think this is the tendency of people who are insulated from life.
Insulated, wow, what a big word. Simply speaking, it means being separated or segregated.
The structures that we have, in a way, have over-protected and pampered us. We have left the world in order to follow God wholeheartedly, believing that God will take care of us. And He does, through our community. But somehow our cloistered life has shielded us from the daily difficulties that ordinary people experience. So we tend to be too demanding, again I say, without really meaning to be so.
When our world becomes so small that it includes only us and our closest circle, we throw ourselves into prison. Being so narrow, our focus becomes so limited. Nothing ever satisfies us.
That is why the poor and the suffering are our best teachers. They live one day at a time. They are happy just to survive, and they are more capable of sharing the burden of others.
May God deliver us from a life of perpetual grumbling. May we have eyes to see that there is always more to be grateful for.

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