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just shooting questions to the universe and hoping that when the right time comes I will receive some answers, or if not, I will be given something to enrich my life.

Monday, March 23, 2009

God is love

God is love. And love’s response is only love. Love is freely given and freely received. That is why God gave us freedom.
With this freedom God is also risking that we wouldn’t love Him back in return; that we would also hurt ourselves and each other with our wrong decisions. I know that He wouldn’t want us to be hurt. He is hurt whenever He sees us hurting. But He has to respect the freedom which He has gifted us with. I believe, though, that He is carrying us in His own arms in that moment of deep pain. He continues to stay and keep vigil, to cheer us on and hope that we see the light. He is waiting for us to come home to Him, or rather, to recognize that He has always been with us all along.
That is the God I believe in. If I was able to do it with my students, I with my limitations, how much more this great and awesome God!