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just shooting questions to the universe and hoping that when the right time comes I will receive some answers, or if not, I will be given something to enrich my life.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pray always

These days, I have been experiencing a quiet serenity. It is as if there is a "very secure" certainty in my heart that things are going to be better, that happiness is just "a few blocks away".
Should I think this way? Sometimes I tell myself that it is better not to think this way because it might sound as if I am taunting the gods. But on the other hand, I think I owe it to God, to recognize that something is happening. I am very well aware that whatever it is, it is God's grace at work. I wouldn't have arrived at this point if it were only for my own strength and capacities. God never gave up on me. His grace has helped me not to give up on myself.
I do not know how long this "peace" will last, but I make the resolution to pray especially during the good times, so that when times come that I do not feel like praying, or when I am desolate or too tired and hurting to even think of God, my spirit may continue to pray. I really do not know if this makes sense, but it does, for me.

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