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just shooting questions to the universe and hoping that when the right time comes I will receive some answers, or if not, I will be given something to enrich my life.

Friday, July 9, 2010

God and a bag of peanuts

I had a good day today. One of the special treats was a bag of peanuts. Then I thought of God, how He provides me with little treats everyday. Problem is, they are so ordinary that I take them for granted. Yesterday, it was the kindness of a friend; today, it was a bag of peanuts. Who knows what special treat is in store for me tomorrow?
But isn't it blasphemous to sort of equate God to a bag of peanuts? After all, it seems so trivial. Why do I have to drag God into this thing. Wouldn't He be so busy governing the world as to be preoccupied with giving me a bag of peanuts?
Of course the bag of peanuts did not drop from above, but I believe that the good things of everyday life, and believe me, they are more than the clumsy ones, all come from God. He makes use of persons, like you and me, or natural events or of many other ways (after all, He is very creative) to give us His gifts straight from His heart.
So dear Father, thank you for the bag of peanuts. It made my day. Looking forward to tomorrow's treat.

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