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just shooting questions to the universe and hoping that when the right time comes I will receive some answers, or if not, I will be given something to enrich my life.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The way of "weakness"

Christ's way, the way of "weakness", is actually the way of the strong. Only those who are strong can say "Here, with me, stops the violence. I refuse to continue this chain of hurt, so I will not answer back with a cutting remark..." I really think that Christ's way is the only way to true peace.
My many experiences tell me how my seemingly witty remark, articulate and, at the same time, pregnant and cutting with the message it conveys, in the end, left a bitter taste on my mouth. Only I know that. Only I can judge what it is that motivates what I say - is it the truth, or charity, or self-promotion, or vengeance, or a dare?
Hurting people will never make me happy especially if it is only because of our differences in opinion, taste, color or religion. It indicates my "narrow world", and the more I hurt others, the narrower my world becomes.
The way of kindness is the only way to live, or at least to have a life worth living. The problem is, we get very few models of this. Kindness gets very bad press.
I need to fix my eyes on Jesus, the real Strong One, the One who is meek and humble of heart.

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