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just shooting questions to the universe and hoping that when the right time comes I will receive some answers, or if not, I will be given something to enrich my life.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

God provides

Today is a miracle day!
I woke up very early because I had to catch an early train for an out of town meeting. I wanted to participate at the 6:30 am Mass before my departure. I did that. The trip was very calm and I managed to pray and make my meditation along the way. At around 8:15 I arrived at the place of the meeting and, surprise, another Mass was going on. So I had my second Mass. Then I had a fast but very good breakfast, chatting with some people I know.
The morning was full but very interesting. The group is preparing itself for the World Youth Day next year in Madrid. The invited guests answered very well and very profoundly the questions asked them. During our short break, I managed to catch up with some of the people I know.
Then it was time for lunch, and it was good and in a very cheerful atmosphere, despite the fact that I don't know many of the people present.
Unfortunately I had to leave right after lunch for a community commitment. I took the train once again and met a Filipina lady working in that zone. We were together on the train all the way to Rome. We had a good chat and she told me her story. I was edified by her strength and kindness. She has suffered a lot in life but she exudes a quiet and cheerful goodness. I was actually planning to take a nap during the trip back to Rome, but somehow with this lady, my plan was changed.
When I arrived home, I learned, thanks to a good friend, that prayer time was changed, and all the while I thought I could do a little work before prayer time. So I went to the chapel to pray vespers with the community. Then we had practice for our short program tomorrow. I was resigned to having to stay up to do two things I have to finish. But, surprise again, we finished our practice, I got to do the two things I needed to finish and I even had a little time for my private prayer.
So what is so miraculous about this day? First of all, I started it with a little pessimism, that feeling that bugs your heart when you feel that you have no choice and you just have to do things. Second, because I am finishing the day tired but with a very light and joyful heart. Third, because I am going to bed early.
I had an extra full day, not through any fault of mine. I lifted it up to the Lord and He provided. He is never outdone in generosity.

1 comment:

  1. Yipee! Our God is a gracious God! :-) buona festa, Ateeee!
