Two days ago I got a message from a high school classmate. He was hoping to catch me online on Facebook because he almost committed suicide. He just wanted to share and let it all out to me because I am a nun. I am the only nun in our high school class and my former classmates often tell me that they are very lucky to have a nun among their high school classmates. As if I am their direct line to God.
I think people have such a high expectation of nuns. They think that we should always be good, patient, prayerful, etc., etc. Well, I do not say that we shouldn't be that. What I mean is, many people don't even realize that we, too, have our moments of weakness, of moods, of failures, of tiredness, and yes, of sins, too. We are not perfect. We are much like any person on the street burdened with our family history, our tempers, our midlife crisis, our sickness, etc., etc.
When I was younger I was always fascinated by weddings. I was a member of a Church choir and we always sang at weddings. I have memorized the wedding vows and while the bride and groom exchanged them, I would even say the words with them - for better or for worse.
When I entered religious life I was full of ideals and expectations. I did not even question some of the traditions which I found impractical, because for me the ideal was what is most important. I wanted to give my all to God who is my only Good, my only Lord, my only Love.
Eighteen years after my first profession, I realized that while I was making my vows I should have made them with the spirit of "for better or for worse". My pact with God encompasses my whole being. He didn't call me because I am the best. Why He called me, He alone knows the reason.
Everyday is an invitation for me to say "for better or for worse, dear Jesus, I am staying with you". Everyday, too, Jesus assures me "for better or for worse, dear Bing, I'm sticking it out with you".