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just shooting questions to the universe and hoping that when the right time comes I will receive some answers, or if not, I will be given something to enrich my life.

Friday, December 31, 2021

Thank you


What better way to end the year than to say, "Thank you". Everything is grace. To God who is the source of everything, thank you.

Making a list is always risky because there is always a big chance to forget something. But I make this list because it helps me to recognize God's expressions of love.

For the people I have met along my life's journey, thank you.

For the experiences that made me who I am and that continue to mold me to be a good and decent person, thank you.

For the unexpected circumstances, both happy and sad, that get me in touch with the core of who I am, thank you.

For the gift of life, for every breath I take, thank you.

For all of you, my friends, thank you. Be assured that I remember you in my prayers. Let us allow God to be the center of our lives, our families, our societies. We cannot do it by ourselves. We need a greater Power. 

Why is it difficult to say that we believe in God and we trust Him? That is not infantile. That is speaking the truth.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021



Joy is not a prize, nor a quest, nor a destination.

Joy is the spirit within us, accompanying us in our journey.

It is like a dancing and totally dynamic flicker of light that warms our heart, sustains our resolve, pushes us to move ahead, and allows us to see the good and the beauty that surrounds us.