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just shooting questions to the universe and hoping that when the right time comes I will receive some answers, or if not, I will be given something to enrich my life.

Sunday, August 25, 2019


"Lord, will only a few people be saved?" (Lk 13:23), a question addressed to Jesus. Wrong question. It shows a mindset that is non-inclusive, a competitive tendency.
Salvation is a gift. It is not based on our merits or our worthiness.
Does it mean an upright life is not necessary?
Again, wrong logic.
Salvation is a gift. As with other gifts, it is useless unless we accept it. Accepting salvation is not a matter of words; rather, it is conforming our lives to Jesus: loving people and doing good to others.
We don't pay for our salvation. Someone has already done that for us. We are truly saved when we begin to look at others as brothers and sisters; when we realize that life is not about enjoying it but of finding its purpose.
We have only one life, let us make it worth living.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Infinite presence

A new month, a new beginning. Every day is a new beginning, but there is something special about the beginning of each month. For one, you turn over a page in your calendar; for some, it might even be necessary to tear the page of the old month. So it is like a ritual that tells you that, indeed, you have a new horizon ahead of you.
As I write new pages in my life's story, I realize that I am not alone. There is a Presence that is infinitely other than me, beyond me. And it is in this infinite Ocean that I am able to accept my mistakes, my limitations, and my failure when I see how little I have accomplished and how much I have wasted.
But is anything ever wasted? I think not, I hope not. I believe that every experience, even the ones that may seem like a backward step, has something to offer: a deeper capacity for empathy, the realization that I cannot control everything, a call to be patient and to trust the process.
God's presence in my life and in history is much, much more than what I can see and evaluate.