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just shooting questions to the universe and hoping that when the right time comes I will receive some answers, or if not, I will be given something to enrich my life.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Who do you say that I am?

It is a question that Jesus asked his disciples once.
It is a question that I have to answer throughout my life, not once, not twice...
It is a question that is ultimately not only about Jesus but about me as well.
The question, though asked in plural form, is addressed to me in person. I cannot hide behind others.
Jesus first asks who others say He is as if to prepare the ground for a more direct question. I think it is reasonable; after all, my faith is a heritage, something that I did not invent. My faith and its many expressions have been passed on to me.
But this faith has to grow and become personal. However, it doesn't cease to be a faith of the community. In fact, the community dimension is what gives faith a stable foundation, a solid rock, so that it doesn't depend on my whims and feelings.
My knowledge of Jesus is a relationship with Him. It is dynamic and alive and permeates my entire life. It has its ebbs and flows, as does my life. It is necessary to go away, to leave the hustle and bustle, so that in the silence of my heart, Jesus' question may be heard, "who am I to you?"

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

When God doesn't send fire

When I was a kid, one of my favorite Bible stories is that of the Prophet Elijah, especially about that duel with the prophets of Baal. The plot fascinated me, and my Bible illustrations made it even more compelling: one single prophet against the high and might Jezebel, King Ahab and the many prophets of Baal. The true God was the one who sent fire the burn the offering. Of course, Elijah won this round.
It doesn't always happen that way in life. God doesn't always send fire or manifest Himself in the way we want Him to.
It is time to go back to who we really are: We are creatures dependent on God's mercy and love. We don't need any grandstanding miracle to prove to ourselves that God exists. Every day I am already in touch with at least one miracle: MYSELF.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Be the one

When we feel short-changed by people, it is easier to wallow in self-pity or to complain just how unfair people can be.
But that is not the only option we have.
When others are not there for you, be the one.
Be the one to make the first step.
Be the one to see another person's need.
Be the one.
This was Jesus' answer to the question "who is my neighbor".
Be another one's neighbor.
Be the one.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


A big news in Rome these days is the death of a young lady burned by her ex-boyfriend. She asked at least two motorists for help but no one stopped, and this tragedy happened.
Indifference kills. In this instance, it killed a very young lady full of life and hopes for a future. It also killed what is human in each one of us, the natural instinct to reach out and be of help.
Certainly, there are many facets and aspects to the story. There are reasons for the choices of each of the persons involved in this event.
We pray that the young lady may enjoy eternal peace in heaven. We pray for us, that we may wake up and see that we, too, are accountable for a lot of things that are happening in the world, directly or indirectly.
Indifference kills.