About Me

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just shooting questions to the universe and hoping that when the right time comes I will receive some answers, or if not, I will be given something to enrich my life.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Faith is not resignation.
Faith is openness to mystery, a mystery that surpasses our most logical reasoning and our most sophisticated preparations.
Faith is making a courageous step despite the scarcity of resources and the uncertainty of success.
Faith is anchoring one's heart in someone other than ourselves.
Faith is rising up from the rubble and claiming the victory of life in the midst of death.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

In front of suffering

In front of suffering, we can only bow our head. May it not be out of despair but with a hopeful and trusting surrender to the Mystery that surpasses the best human reasoning.
In front of suffering, the only response is silence. Words are stale. They might even be downright insulting.
In front of suffering the tears in our eyes are a sign of wisdom of the folly of pride and self-sufficiency. There is a Truth that is beyond us.

Monday, November 11, 2013

After the tragedy

To my fellow Filipinos:
Perhaps we can cut down on the glittery Christmas decorations, the glamorous parties and the expensive gifts. Let us share our presence and our material resources to those who have been hit by this tragedy. Let us rediscover the things that really matter. Let us rediscover the real meaning of Christmas.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Random thoughts

In our world characterized by the rat race, unbridled competition, a seemingly insane drive to annihilate the other so as to get everything or, at least, the larger part of the pie, we need to really make an honest examination whether it is all worth it.
Do we really need to be bitchy, insulting and hurting just to prove our point?
Do we really need to make a "public exhibition" of ourselves (what we eat, what we wear, what we feel, where we are) just because it is in vogue?
Is it really necessary to do what everybody does. like headless chickens just jumping here and there?
Do we really need to wait for big occasions before we show people that we care?
When will we start living our own lives and not the vicarious lives of the rich and the famous?
We only have one life. It will never be perfect, but it is ours and we have the right be true to ourselves. This we owe to ourselves.
Be coherent ... dare to be different.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

A gift for the journey

Before I left for Rome last 2001, a priest friend of mine gave me Joyce Rupp's book "Your sorrow is my sorrow". Little did I know that this book would become a significant part of my journey as I grappled through the dark and wrestled with my demons.
I thank my friend for this "prophetic" gift as I remember him on his 50th birthday tomorrow.
Nothing happens by chance in our lives. A book, a friend, name it and God has them all in place at the right time and the right place in your life.
We just need the eyes to see!