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just shooting questions to the universe and hoping that when the right time comes I will receive some answers, or if not, I will be given something to enrich my life.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

The right way

"Daang matuwid" (the straight way) should not be a mere slogan for the Philippine government. It should be a way of life for each Filipino...
when those who have more choose to serve and not to be served,
when respect is dictated not by social status or position but simply because we are human beings and are worthy of respect,
when simplicity of life is chosen so that others who have less opportunities in life may have their due share,
when we live by principles and not by the prevailing crowd mentality,
when we are more concerned and more passionate about creating a better life for others than with the pettiness of the personal lives of others,
when we can argue and disagree without killing each other (physically or otherwise).
It is not something new. The right way is the way of Jesus. It is not an easy way, and we know the price Jesus paid for it. But it is the only way that can change the world. Because the world, structures, are just reflections of what is in our heart.
Let the change begin in me.

When ...

When I can see that everything is a gift, I become humble.
When I can understand that no one in his right mind deliberately chooses to do wrong, I can forgive.
When I realize that between the black and the white is a bigger shade of gray, I begin to understand.
When I remember that I am God's image and likeness, I learn to respect myself.
When I look up to the cross and see the way of Jesus, I can truly love, without ifs and buts.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Envy is a poison that kills our joy.
Envy makes us suspicious and judgmental. It prevents us from seeing the good in people and in events.
Envy sows discontent in our hearts. It makes us blind to the good things that we have because it rivets the eyes to look at what others have.
Envy turns us into never-ending complainers. It makes us think that the problem is outside of us and never inside.
Where there is envy, there can never be joy.

Monday, August 19, 2013


Fidelity is not about immobility. In fact, to refuse to change is to be unfaithful to God because God's is a love that is ever ancient and ever new.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The road to glory

"And it happened that, as Jesus was praying, the aspect of his face was changed and his clothing became sparkling white. And suddenly there were two men talking to him; they were Moses and Elijah appearing in glory, and they were speaking of his passing which he was to accomplish in Jerusalem." (Luke 9:29-31)
The only way to glory is to follow the way of the cross.
The great lie of our age is to think that we can live meaningful lives without going through difficulties, that the most clever people are those who succeed with little price to pay. So many people live forever, or almost forever, trying to evade suffering or to cushion themselves from the blows of life.
But that wouldn't do. Somehow, life will deal you a blow, one way or another.
And here is where our attitude towards suffering enters.
To forever evade suffering is to refuse to grow up. It is to never discover the depths of strength, hope and creativity that we have in us.
When we face suffering head on, with our bruised egos and tear-stained faces, but with the certainty that we are not alone, we discover that glory is not something that is from the outside. Glory is within us and it takes suffering, the cross to let it shine.

Monday, August 5, 2013

How to live

Don't let the way you live your life be dictated by your feelings. Follow the way of Jesus. It may not give you an immediate feeling of consolation, but it will slowly give you a quiet joy and an inner peace that no one can take away.