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just shooting questions to the universe and hoping that when the right time comes I will receive some answers, or if not, I will be given something to enrich my life.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

From death to life

Pain, joy, life are the recurring notes in this Easter tide. They unlock a scenario that, while not ignoring the harshness of certain moments, urges us to read into them by seeing them in the light of the Paschal Mystery. The final solution for the perennial battle between life and death is found on the cross. Here is the blossoming of a newness that touches every experience and transfigures it.
Sadness arises as we face the inevitability of death, but it is only so that life may explode. It is the necessary pains of childbirth that announce the coming of new life. It is the Easter event that returns in our today, in our suffering. Trying to stop the seed from rotting in the ground, trying to omit this phase in order to reap the mature grain without it, is foolish and detrimental. There is no birth that is not preceded by a lengthy time of waiting and by the pangs of childbirth. And there is no sunset that does not announce the triumph of a new sunrise.
Christian joy is rooted in this certainty. What’s more, it is precisely the joy that arises from hope which renders the announcement of the Resurrection credible and reaches a humanity resigned to a destiny of death. It is life. It is this triumph that Christ asks us to sing and to spread around us in joy, full joy, lasting joy.

(From Friends and Servants of the Word)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Still on Friendship

A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
The love of friendship is the highest form of love. It is arrived only through a deep and serious process of de-centralization and giving all without expecting anything in return. It is more than maternal and paternal love, because those are from a sense of duty and of responsibility for a small and fragile life. The love of friendship instead is an adult love where the gift is free from possessiveness, jealousy, pretensions, and vindications. It is when self-oblation and humble and silent freedom are expressed in a thousand daily gestures.The love of friendship introduces us in the mystical experience of the other! It becomes empathy, intuition, silent and discreet presence and a gratuitous gift. This is God’s life in us! (From Friends and Servants of the Word)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I call you friends

In today's Gospel text from St. John (15:15), we hear the powerful words: "No longer do I call you servants ... but I ahve called you friends." We are not useless servants but friends! The Lord calls us friends; he makes us his friends; he gives us his friendship.

Jesus defines friendship in two ways. There are no secrets between friends: Christ tells us everything he hears from the Father; he gives us his full confidence and, with confidence, also knowledge. He reveals his face to us, his heart. He shows his tenderness for us, his passionate love that goes to the folly of the cross.

I remember how moved I was as I listened to the Holy Father's homily at the beginning of the Petrine Ministry of the Bishop of Rome on April 24, 2005. Three times during that memorable homily, Benedict XVI spoke of the importance of "friendship" with Jesus: "The Church as a whole and all her pastors, like Christ, must set out to lead people out of the desert, towards the palce of life, toward friendship with the Son of God, toward the One who gives us life, and life in abundance...

"There is nothing more beautiful than to know him and to speak to others of our friendship with him."

"Only in this friendship are the doors of life opened wide. Only in this friendship is the great potention of human existence truly revealed. Only in this friendship do we experience beauty and liberation."

Eight months later, in his Angelus address of Jan. 15, 2006, Benedict XVI said: "Friendship with the Teacher guarantees profound peace and serenity to the soul, even in the dark moments and in the msot arduous trials. When faith meets with dark nights, in which the presence of God is no longer 'felt' or 'seen', friendship with Jesus guarantees that in reality nothing can ever separate us from his love" (cf. Rm 8:39).

Again on Aug. 26, 2007, the theme of friendship was front and center: "True friendship with Jesus is expressed in the way of life: It is expressed with goodness of heart, with humility, meekness and mercy, love for justice and truth, and a sincere and honest commitment to peace and reconciliation."

(By Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Longing for home

When we were younger we couldn't wait to go out to see the world and to spread our wings. But at a certain point in our life, we just experience that yearning to be cuddled, to be tucked in bed, to be offered a cup of hot chocolate and to be told that no matter what mess we have made of our life, we are still special to somebody. We long for home.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Nanay's testament

I have nanay's testament, after all. She and my father gave me a bible for my birthday in 1995. Here is her message:
Our prayer for your birthday is Heb. 13:16. And may our Lord Jesus Christ always be the center of our life and may our Mother Mary be always our model.
With prayerful love,
Tatay and Nanay

Nanay wrote the message, but she put my dad's signature ahead of hers. She was always like that, letting others take the centerstage.

And what does Hebrews 13:16 say?

Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have; God is pleased by sacrifices of that kind.

A very good program of life, indeed!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Nanay: the wind beneath my wings

I will always remember nanay with her kind and smiling eyes. She was a person who would make the first step to make people at home. She had many friends because of her kindness and thoughtfulness. Birthdays and important occasions were always remembered by her.
I have to confess that I haven't really shown nanay how much I appreciate her in my life. Do I regret that? Yes, I do. But somehow I have a feeling that nanay, with her very generous heart, read even my simple words and gestures as signs of appreciation.
I've never really had heart-to-heart talks with nanay. Our life was simple and day-to-day struggles were dealt with in undramatic ways.
Being the eldest, I sort of looked up to my father in terms of taking on responsibilities and preparing for my future, but nanay never felt left out. She understood.
I couldn't say that nanay was a woman of few words, because she liked to talk a lot, and that was one of her endearing qualities. But her words were simple, the stuff of everyday conversation. It was her way of reaching out to people, not of showing off. So I couldn't really remember any particular phrase or expression that I could consider her "testament".
Nanay's testament to me is her letting go, her everyday gestures of allowing others to shine. She was the wind beneath my wings.
Happy mothers' day, nanay. I really, really miss you.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kindred spirits

"There is common ground that kindred spirits walk - shared thoughts that forever bind their souls."